Superskill of the future is your mental control

henkinen valmennus mental coaching psyykkinen valmennus valmennus
Vaalea nainen ojentaa kÀttÀ keltaiset ikkunapokat. Marja Nousiainen

Do you feel lost?  You feel like you're not doing as well at work or in life as you'd like. Or opportunities are slipping through your fingers? You can't handle challenging situations?

When you feel insecure or stressed, you also feel weak if you believe your own thoughts.

Would you like to be mentally stronger and feel more confident? Feel and know where you are really going in life and create an inspiring career.

What if you dared to leave behind the ruminations of the past and the worries about the future and surrender to the present moment?

I have a solution

Solution-focused mental coaching addresses the limitations of your own thinking inside your head
Mental coaching works on the issues that are important to you, drawing on your resources. Focus is on the future. A future that is possible for you and that gives you hope.

Solution-focused doesn't mean that I give you ready-made solutions for the future, but that I know how to ask the right questions to free your thinking and find solutions yourself. You don't start with problems, which is the prevailing method in the West, but you look to the future. Because every man has more resources than we think and by breaking down our thinking patterns we achieve good results.

Examples of themes to work on

  • clarify your values - your values - your vision of a meaningful future
  • learn to deal with disappointments and learn from them
  • understand how to focus on what matters most
  • learn how to identify what motivates you as an entrepreneur and better direct your energy
    you can also accept difficult emotions
  • learn to know your strengths and create a distinctive brand of expertise

Stop lying to yourself

As Tommi Lähde, the founder of The Other Danish Guy (those boxers for men and women) says: "There is huge potential in all of us that can only be unlocked when we know ourselves. It takes one decision: Start telling yourself the truth."

Mental mind control is the super skill of the future

I can help you discover your own truth. With it, you will find gratitude, the art of loving. Once your life purpose is clarified, your future will be brilliant.

When athletes were failing in competitive situations, it was realized that mindfulness plays a huge role in success. Now mental coaching is recognised and has proven benefits not only for athletes, but also for business leaders and teams. The results have been shown to be improved with mind management and emotion management skills. Research data is starting to emerge such as Henley Business School or How does solution-focused coaching help?

When you prepare for challenging situations and work through how managing your mind affects the situation, even in difficult situations you will be able to control your emotions and mind and not be swayed by external pressures, opinions or others as easily as before. The mind is like a muscle that learns with practice. As the world has changed, it is now widely recognised that it is not technical, physical or skill competencies alone that matter, but the skills of mind control.

The inner turmoil of the head

When I added a section on appreciative methodology to my Truth About Personal Brand - Totuus henkilöbrändistä online course, students liked it and surprised me with feedback. They found it the most useful part of the whole coaching. What is the appreciative method and how does it work - Mikä on arvostava menetelmä ja miten se toimii?

This is what one of my students, Jarmo Mäki says: "The questions asked at the beginning of the training go straight to the soul and have a high priority. This training is completely different from others like it."

Jaana Kosunen "I especially liked the inner head rattling."

Tarja Ranta: "I was really satisfied. I especially liked the positive introspection, which you don't get to do in everyday life."

I can say from experience that when I stopped lying to myself, things changed. I got to know myself again, I accepted myself for who I am, I stopped stressing and unnecessary reassurance and I started to feel a sense of self-compassion. I have learned and learned to use solution-focused methods to find my strengths. Now I know who I am and who I am not, what I want and why I want it. I identify needs, values and benefits

Best of all, I have rediscovered the joy of living

Would you like to embark on my journey to get to know yourself better and create a mental strength that is more sustainable and that allows you to truly live a life of your own and achieve your dreams - so that you feel good every day?

Call me 0456709562, drop me a line [email protected] or book a 30 minute free virtual coffee break. Let's get to know each other and see if this would be a useful coaching session for you.

If you prefer Finnish, please read Henkisesti vahvemmaksi psyykkisellä valmennuksella

Book a 30 minute session.

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